Billy: The Haunting of William Howard Taft

President Taft is about to have a rough night! Inspired by historical events, Billy: the Haunting of William Howard Taft follows the President-elect on one of the wildest nights of his life. As Taft falls victim to deception, manipulation and trickery he quickly learns a valuable lesson: never trust a possum.


Billy: The Haunting of William Howard Taft by Sean P. Mette

2-5 Actors (55 minutes)


William Howard Taft Reynard Owens Billy Possum Billy/Theodore Roosevelt Billy/Nellie Taft

The parts of Billy & Owens can be played by separate actors or by one actor.


Press & Reviews

  • Cincinnati Fringe Festival: 10 shows to watch out for (David Lyman, Cincinnati Enquirer)

  • On the Fringe - Interview with Sean P. Mette (The Artfuls Podcast)

  • FRINGE 2018 REVIEW: 'Billy: The Haunting of William Howard Taft' (Bart Bishop, City Beat Cincinnati)

  • ‘Billy’ features William Howard Taft and three marsupials (Hilly Kenkel, Artswave Guide)


Original Production Cast

William Howard Taft - Sean P. Mette Billy/Owens - Spenser Smith Billy/Teddy Roosevelt - Miranda McGee Billy/Nellie Taft - Hannah Gregory

Directed by Audrey A. MacNeil Stage Managed by Morgan Becker

Production Photos by Diana Cardenas

Billy: The Haunting of William Howard Taft premiered May 30th 2018 at the Cincinnati Fringe Festival.


Original Production Writer’s Notes

“Well, I certainly like possum ... I ate very heartily of it last night, and it did not disturb in the slightest my digestion or my sleep.” - William Howard Taft

For the last year, I have been haunted by William Howard Taft. I have visited his home, read his writings, and listened to him speak (we have a few recordings of his voice). As I spent an increasing amount of time with Will, the more I found myself being taken in by one of Cincinnati’s favorite sons.

Generally, I don’t feel that a lot is known about our 27th President of the United States...well, except for maybe one thing. Perhaps, you know what I am talking about? Yes, the bathtub story. Besides that historical anecdote, his legacies are always around us with the continuation of the National Parks System, the implementation of vigorous anti-trust legislation, and the ceremonial throwing of the “Presidential First Pitch” to name a few.

I am not bold enough to say that he was our greatest president. There are many that have been better and have accomplished a great deal more. However, what endears Will to me is his greatest trait: the strength of his love. William loved his wife, Nellie. There was never a wavering doubt in that fact.

So, why a possum? I first learned of the intended replacement of the Teddy Bear, a few years ago. I knew that I wanted to tell a story around the Possum. The night that Will was presented with the first Billy Possum is nothing more than a historical footnote. Yet, it’s theses obscure moments that present us with an opportunity for exploration, interpretation and fun. We hope that you enjoy our show and if someone offers you a plate of roast possum, perhaps think twice.

  • Sean P. Mette (May 2018)